Welcome to Sandy Plain Original Free Will Baptist Church!
Our Latest Announcements!
*New Bible Study on the Book of Ephesians starting February 4th at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us.
*The Purple Book Life Group with Tim and Rebecca Judd will be February 20th. The new study, “The Forge” will be on February 28th. Anyone interested can join them. Their group meets at their home.
*True North VBS is coming up this summer! The first volunteer meeting will be Saturday, March 8th at 9:00 a.m. in the Youth Sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. If you are a station leader or are interested in being on the VBS Team this year please make sure to be there! See Amanda Mercer with any questions.
*Ignite Youth will be volunteering to serve at the Special Needs Soccer Game on Saturday, March 15th at 9:30 at Maranatha. A sign-up sheet to volunteer is on the information table. We will need help assisting the athletes and cooking and serving lunches. See Amanda Mercer with any questions.
*Men’s Retreat 2025: Calling all men, young and old, to join us in Western NC to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We will be on the ground working on Saturday so bring your tools with you. The cost is $170.00 with a $100 deposit due to Roger Whaley by March 23rd. The reminder of the money is due prior to the trip. If you have questions please contact Roger Whaley at 910-305-7230.
*You can now access our new Online Directory. Instructions for accessing this is on the information. You must be in the directory with an email on file in order to access the directory.
* Visit Fields of Wheat, an Israeli Messianic Organization and help with there projects in Israel.