Welcome to Sandy Plain Original Free Will Baptist Church
We are located at 945 NC Hwy 241, Pink Hill, NC 28572
email: sandyplainchurch@gmail.com

Weekly Service Times 

Sunday Morning
Sunday School @ 9:15 AM
Worship Service @ 10:30 AM
Sunday Night
Ignite Youth Ministry @ 5:30 PM
Worship Service @ 6:00 PM
Tuesday Night
Trail Life @ 6:30 PM
Wednesday Night
Bible Study @ 7:00 PM
Sandy Plain Deacons
Tim Judd: (P) 910-381-1749  (E) mpofmarines@hotmail.com
Toby Baker: (P) 910-340-2541  (E) tgotit@gmail.com
Jonathan Whaley: (P) 910-870-0012  (E) jbwhaley@charter.net
Rocky Kennedy: (P) 252-521-9348  (E) ilstec2@gmail.com
Bud Radford: (P) 252-526-7139  (E) bra733@aol.com

Calendar & Events

Sandy Plain OFWB Church Calendar

Welcome to Sandy Plain Original Free Will Baptist Church!
Our Latest Announcements!
*New Bible Study on the Book of Ephesians starting February 4th at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Please join us.
*The Purple Book Life Group with Tim and Rebecca Judd will be February 20th.  The new study, “The Forge” will be on February 28th.  Anyone interested can join them.  Their group meets at their home.
*True North VBS is coming up this summer!  The first volunteer meeting will be Saturday, March 8th at 9:00 a.m. in the Youth Sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. If you are a station leader or are interested in being on the VBS Team this year please make sure to be there!  See Amanda Mercer with any questions.

*Ignite Youth will be volunteering to serve at the Special Needs Soccer Game on Saturday, March 15th at 9:30 at Maranatha.  A sign-up sheet to volunteer is on the information table.  We will need help assisting the athletes and cooking and serving lunches. See Amanda Mercer with any questions.

*Men’s Retreat 2025:  Calling all men, young and old, to join us in Western NC to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  We will be on the ground working on Saturday so bring your tools with you.  The cost is $170.00 with a $100 deposit due to Roger Whaley by March 23rd.  The reminder of the money is due prior to the trip.  If you have questions please contact Roger Whaley at 910-305-7230.
*You can now access our new Online Directory.  Instructions for accessing this is on the information.  You must be in the directory with an email on file in order to access the directory.
* Visit Fields of Wheat, an Israeli Messianic Organization and help with there projects in Israel.

God’s Word Changes Lives One Person At A Time.


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Watch Our Services On YouTube

Our small groups, are here for you to grow in fellowship with others, while expanding your knowledge of the Bible. For more information see:
Pastor David & Amanda
Tim & Rebecca Judd
Sunday School
For more information see:
Toby Baker
TRAIL LIFE for Boys.
For more information see:
Brad Smith or Fitz Bostic
For more information see:
Amanda Gardner
For more information see:
Deborah Mobley or Marsha Jones
Ladies Auxiliary
For more information see:
Donnie Sumner and Amanda Gardner
Men’s Group
For more information see:
Roger Whaley
Ignite Youth Ministry
For more information see:
Amanda Mercer
945 NC HWY 241, PINK HILL, NC 28572
Facebook YouTube

Map to Sandy Plain OFWB Church



Senior Pastor
Crandall Fountain
Pastor Crandall Fountain joined the ministerial staff as Senior Pastor of Sandy Plain OFWB church in June of 2023.
He was raised and worked on the farm next to his grandad. He had always had a heart for the farm while believing his gifts were in animal husbandry. He graduated from NC State in 1984 with an AA degree in Crop Technology and Animal Science.
Later he attended Mount Olive College to fulfill the requirements for ordination as a pastor in the Original Free Will Baptist. He was ordained in November of 2010. He served as a bi-vocational pastor of Sneads Ferry OFWB church from January 2011 until June of 2023.
He enjoys salt water fishing, traveling, and snow skiing.
His passion is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and see lives changed because of it.
He has a heart for the mission Christ Himself gave, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”  Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV
Associate Pastor & Wife
David and Amanda Mercer
Pastor David Mercer joined the staff at Sandy Plain OFWB Church as Associate Pastor in September 2021. Pastor David gave his heart to the Lord in January 1998 and began pursuing the call of ministry that God placed on his life that summer. He graduated from Mount Olive College in December 2001 with a degree in church ministries and a minor in Christian education. He was ordained in 2003 by an independent church and served as associate pastor until September 2009 when he became interim pastor for 1 year. Pastor David and his wife, Amanda, started attending Sandy Plain in the spring of 2012 and became members soon after. Pastor David began the ordination process through the Original Free Will Baptist Eastern Conference in 2015 while serving as a supply preacher for churches and speaking at revivals and special events throughout Eastern North Carolina. He was ordained through the Original Free Will Baptist Eastern Conference in March of 2021.
David and Amanda were married in April of 2010. David’s hobbies include hunting, fishing and cooking. David and Amanda’s passion is building relationships with people and sharing the love of Christ. Psalm 116 is a favorite passage of Pastor David’s because it relates to how he felt when he gave his heart to the Lord.