Welcome to Sandy Plain Original Free Will Baptist Church!
Our Latest Announcements!
SANDY PLAIN WILL CONTINUE TO BE A HURRICANE RELIEF DROP OFF SITE for our Neighbors in WNC through October 12th. If you have items you would like to donate please bring them to Sandy Plain OFWB Church.
* The last photo date for the Online Directory will be October 26th. If you want your photo in the directory please don’t miss your opportunity. Potos will be taken on the 1st floor of the Education Building. Sign up sheets are in the foyer of the church.
* Operation Christmas Child is coming up! You can bring items for the Shoe Boxes or pack your own! The collection boxes are in both hallways of the sanctuary. Shoeboxes are available for pickup now.
*Life Group with Tim & Rebecca Judd will be on the following dates: October 11th, October 17th (Purple Class), and October 25th. This group is held at their home.
*JUST JESUS Tent Revival October 9th-12th at 110 W. Broadway St., Pink Hill. Wed-Friday dinner will be served at 6 p.m. with music & service at 6:30 and on Saturday, dinner will be served at 5 p.m. with music & service at 5:30.
*Seniors for Christ will be visiting the Veterans Home in Kinston on October 10th and will leave the church at 8:45 a.m. Please know that you will be asked to wear a mask during this visit. Lunch will be afterwards at Kings Restaurant and will cost $13.95 plus tax and drink. Items will be collected for the Veterans Home to be delivered during this trip. Collection boxes are located on both sides of the sanctuary and in the Educational Building Fellowship hall. A list of needed items is on the information table.
* Homecoming will be October 20th. Please bring covered dishes and plan to join us for lunch!
*There will be an American Red Cross Blood Drive on October 15th in the church gym. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer. Please plan to give the gift of life as there is a dire need for blood donations.
*Please be in prayer for our upcoming ELECTION! Early voting in NC is October 17th-November 2nd. Election Day is November 5th. Please VOTE!
* HALLELUJAH Festival will be October 31st from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There will be food, fun, and fellowship so please plan to join us and bring your neighbor! A volunteer sign-up sheet will be in the foyer.
November 3rd is Pastor Appreciation Day! Lets celebrate our Pastor’s on this day! Baskets will be put in the foyer of the church for gifts.
*Rudy Theatre Trip-December 12th. The show will start at 12:45 and the cost is $33.00 Please be ready to leave the church at 8:45 a.m. Lunch will be at Robin’s Next and will cost $19.00. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer.
* Visit Fields of Wheat, an Israeli Messianic Organization and help with there projects in Israel.